Month: June 2010


| For the home

A couple months ago, my brother-in-law and his wife had their couch re-covered.  They found this dragonfly fabric that they really liked and asked me to make some pillowcases for them.  Here’s a close-up of the fabric. I have a list of projects (sewing and otherwise) to do and I finally got to them!  Somehow […] Read more…



| Cooking and Baking

Rhubarb is yummy, but it seems like I get deluged with it once a year.  We froze most of our crop, but got more from our crop share.  So I thought I’d share with you two great, simple recipes.  The photo above is from a recipe from Martha Stewart that you can find here.  It’s […] Read more…


Singing In The Rain

| Life

“I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious feelin’, I’m happy again!” We’ve all been under the weather here for the last week and a half. We’re finally getting back to normal and the kiddos went outside to play in the rain. As I watched them playing, I could hear […] Read more…


A knitting experiment

| Yarn Love

Do you ever just sit down and start knitting? — no pattern, no real idea what’s going to come out of it.  Well I recently did, and here’s what I came up with. I’m an ok knitter, but slow.  Very slow.  It took me a while to finish this. I used two strands of Lion […] Read more…

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