Month: July 2010

Yeah, I know it’s another dress

| Apparel

Ok, so here’s another Sienna dress.  This is 50% upcycled knits and made with my new toy, I mean serger.  The bottom is just finished with a 4-thread overlock stitch.  I need to learn how to do a rolled hem on a serger.  Perhaps that’s a project for tomorrow.  Any tips? Can’t wait for the […] Read more…


A New Toy (for Me)!

| Apparel, For the home, Uncategorized

I recently got a serger.  (Yay!)  A Brother 1034D to be exact. I’ve never had a serger and never before used one.  Needless to say, I was a little nervous (but obviously, very excited) to use one.  It sat in the box for about a week while I read the manual over and over again.  […] Read more…


From Drawing to Fabric

| Techniques, Tutorial

My son is a little artist.  He loves to draw and paint and build sculpture out of everyday objects.  I like to try to incorporate some of his work with things that I do and make.  I picked up this fun kit from Dharma Trading Co. a couple of months back and I finally got […] Read more…


Books, Books, Books

| Uncategorized

I just got these great new books (well, new to me)!  Some of them have been around for a while.  Heather Ross’ Weekend Sewing (which let me tell you, I don’t know how many times I’ve checked this out of the library – or how much late fees I’ve paid on it because I wanted […] Read more…

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Hooded Zippered Sweatshirt

| Apparel

I know it’s July and hot out!  I haven’t gone nuts.  But I did finally dig out this project and finish it.  I didn’t like how the zipper turned out the first time and so it got stuck under my pile until I could get another zipper (the right color) to replace it with.  The […] Read more…

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