Month: July 2010

You’re making me blush!

| Uncategorized

 I recently was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Sarah of Stepping Thru Crazy  and before I could properly thank Sarah, I was awarded it again by Laci of The Blackberry Vine. Wow!  Thanks guys!  You’re making me blush!  (Take some time to check out their blogs if you’ve never stopped by!) So it appears […] Read more…


T-shirt Madness

| Apparel, For Kids, Techniques

This past weekend between swimming, birthday parties, library, dinner at my parents, making a cake and cleaning, I managed to decorate a few t-shirts.  What started out as one, quickly became five.  It’s madness! I just couldn’t stop at one! I just used freezer paper to do these.  If you’ve never done this, simply cut […] Read more…

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The Birthday Boy

| Life

My little boy turned five today.  I guess he’s not so little anymore.  But he still feels like that to me. It doesn’t feel that long ago that he was this size. He’s growing so quickly, and yet just right. He’s my little artist, engineer and explorer. He’s a great big brother. He constantly amazes […] Read more…


Car Roll and Mat

| For Kids, Tutorial

When I first saw this Riley Blake fabric (My Minds Eye – Wheels in Brown and White), I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I’ve seen other car rolls before, but this fabric just screamed “Wouldn’t a nice young boy (or girl) love to drive their cars on me???”.  So here’s a super simple […] Read more…


Pulling Mozzarella

| Cooking and Baking

I’ve never thought of hand pulling my own mozzarella, but I recently took a class and I wanted to share what I learned. This is traditional, Italian mozzarella (not the low-moisture version you find in most supermarkets).  It is very moist and delicate.  Give this a try! One of the things that always deterred me […] Read more…

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