Month: June 2012

Patio Decorating Progress

| Techniques, Tutorial

Our new patio is looking good, but it needs a bit of “green”, as my husband said.  I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive pots but I had something in mind.  I love aged copper pots on patios — but I couldn’t spend $30++ each on pots (especially when I wanted […] Read more…


‘Tis the season

| Life

It’s that time of year . . . rummage sales and garage sales galore!  I’m not a big rummage sale / yard sale goer – but there is one I go to every year without fail.  My grade school/old church have the biggest and BEST rummage sale every year that I’ve ever seen.  Every year […] Read more…


Crafty in the Car

| Embroidery

Last summer we took a very big road trip with two kiddos in a small car.  We had zero extra room.  Absolutely all of the space was taken up with carefully chosen items.  We did camp for a few nights (so we had a tent and sleeping bag)s, but also stayed at a hotel, a […] Read more…


Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!

| Apparel, For Kids

When I was making this little bucket hat, all I kept thinking of was a little sketch from Sesame Street (from when I was little) which had Bert and Ernie in a boat fishing (Ernie’s actually wearing bucket hat too).  Instead of using a pole, Ernie would call to the fish “Here Fishy Fishy Fishy” […] Read more…

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