
Matching Dresses

| Apparel, For Kids

I’ve put aside my knitting for a bit so that I can sew. I fell in love with this knit fabric from Moda (Oliver + S: City Weekend) and have been holding onto it for a bit.  It’s so pretty, very delicate and feminine — perfect for Gwyneth. I made a simple A-line dress (pattern […] Read more…

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The Queen’s Guard

| For Kids

Sometimes I feel like I have a strong connection to the British Isles. Although my ethnicity is primarily German and French, I do have some British in me.  Perhaps I feel more of a connection to Great Britain because my great-grandfather was born there and lived there for 21 years of his life. (Before you […] Read more…


Knitting in Progress

| Yarn Love

I’ve been busy knitting lately. I think I’ve been bitten by the knitting bug.  Every so often I get the urge to knit again (especially with all the knitting going on over at luvinthemommyhood right now).  However, I’m a slow knitter.  Perhaps it’s due to the fact that I don’t knit that much, but honestly […] Read more…


Easy-Peasy Skirts

| Apparel, For Kids, Tutorial

I have a lot of mom friends who don’t sew.  I’m always surprised at their fear of sewing.  So this tutorial is for all those mom’s who need a little help with an easy project — or for the seasoned sewer looking to use up some fabric from your stash! This simple skirt tutorial will […] Read more…

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