
Smurf Spotting

| Apparel, For Kids, Holidays

While walking in the garden the other day, I spotted what I thought was a smurf running by. . . He slowed down to get a better look at me. Once he realized I was a friendly human, he stopped to be polite. After a minute of staring at me, he ran off into the […] Read more…


Simple Green Hat

| Yarn Love

  I finished up this simple knit hat for Connor.  I used Spud and Chloe organic wool/cotton blend yarn – which was fabulous!  I was following this pattern (too cute, right???), but Connor simply loved the plain green hat.  It sat unfinished for a few days because I wanted to make sure he just wanted […] Read more…


Hobo Sack #2

| Bags, Totes and Zips

You saw the hobo sack I made for Gwyneth, well of course I had to make one for Connor. His was slightly larger than the original version in the tutorial (which you can find here).  I had two fat quarters that Connor had picked out on a trip to my local fabric store (from last […] Read more…


Hobo Sack

| Bags, Totes and Zips

Before we left on our vacation this summer, I wanted to make small bags for the kids to bring any little toys they wanted.  I knew exactly what I wanted to make: The HOBO SACK! This little sack, designed by the talented Dana of MADE was the perfect size and I just loved the use […] Read more…


Little Kiddo PJs

| Apparel

It’s the first day of Elsie Marley‘s Kids Clothing Week Challenge (or KCWC).  If you’re unfamiliar with it, it simply challenges you to work for one hour each day for a week on making kids clothing.  With two little ones, this is a great challenge for me.  While I have not yet had a chance […] Read more…

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