
Winner and a Picture

| Uncategorized

First of all. . . . The winner of the Curious George fabric is (as determined via . . . Terri who said…    My son is 3. We are planning on buying him a twin size bed very soon. No more toddler bed 🙂 I am planning making a quilt for his new […] Read more…


Fabric Giveaway almost over . . .

| Uncategorized

It’s your last night to enter the Curious George fabric giveaway. . . I’ll be announcing the winner tomorrow but you still have time to enter. If you haven’t already go HERE to enter. Also… several of you emailed me asking where to find iron-on vinyl.  Well, I picked up mine at Jo-Ann’s (it’s kept […] Read more…

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Sweet Tooth Pouch

| Bags, Totes and Zips, For Kids, Tutorial

We don’t normally have a lot of candy in the house.  Well, the Halloween candy (at least nothing with chocolate – because that’s all eaten within hours) is still in a jar in the kitchen cupboard.  This little project was inspired by my son who asks for candy from the brightly colored packages at the […] Read more…


Something Nice

| Life, Photography

Sometimes it feels so nice to bring out the nice china and have a cup of tea and a little something sweet. Connor and Gwyneth helped me make these yummy mini cupcakes this morning.  (Chocolate with cream cheese frosting!)  I’m busy working on some great tutorials for next week.  Can’t wait to show them to […] Read more…


“Jack the Rat”

| Life

 I wanted to share this lovely story my son wrote.  He spelled it himself (and a few of the letters are backwards) so I’ve translated below.  Hope you love it as much as I do. “Jack the Rat” By Connor, Age 5 Jack has a rainbow. Zack and Jack the Rat.    (That’s Jack off […] Read more…

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