
Go Crazy!

| For Kids, Tutorial

Yesterday the kiddos and I sat down to make some crazy crayons. (Well, it started out as all of us, but it quickly became just me — go figure they wanted to play in their “fort” made of couch cushions rather than make crayons.)  Well I had fun. If you’ve never made crazy crayons, you […] Read more…


A summer dress

| Apparel, For Kids

Warm weather must be in my thoughts.  I whipped up two of these dresses the other day – one for my daughter and one for my niece (who just turned three).  It’s actually quite fun to dress the two girls alike since they’re only six weeks apart in age. The fabric was purchased at Jo-Ann […] Read more…

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Living in a freezer

| Accessories, Life

Yesterday I awoke to -15F). Brrr……  My son is now wrapped up in the idea that it’s colder outside than it is in our freezer.  He loves to put glasses of water outside and in our kitchen freezer at the same time to see which one freezes first. My little scientist – hard at work. […] Read more…

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Giveaway!! – Now Closed

| Uncategorized

It’s been a while since I’ve done a giveaway.  I have this knit cowl I made just sitting in my closet – which I love, but never wear.  If you’d like a chance to win it, simply comment below.  (Sorry, US residents only.  One entry per person.  Please make sure to leave an email address.)  […] Read more…

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