
Freezer Paper 101

| Techniques, Tutorial

A lot of you have asked me about a freezer paper tutorial, so here it is.  Using freezer paper to paint images on clothing is an easy, inexpensive way to spice up a plain shirt. You’ll need: Freezer paper (also known as butcher’s paper – it has a waxy feel to one side) X-Acto knife […] Read more…


Busy, Busy

| Fabric, Life

Here’s a little peek at what I’ve been busy with…… Yup, it’s a tiny part of a very large quilt.  I have to say, I have new admiration for quilters who make large quilts – especially those who make quilts with such tiny details.  This one is for a twin size bed.  It took me […] Read more…


It snowed!

| Life

It snowed here yesterday!  Ten inches!  I awoke yesterday to the sounds of Connor, age 5, jumping up and down screaming (with genuine bliss) “It snowed! It snowed!” My rosemary, which has survived a few frosts, covered in snow. The kids spent many hours outside with their dad building an igloo.  They had a blast! Read more…


And the winners are . . . .

| Uncategorized

The winners of the Made pattern giveaway are . . . . . <img src=”” width=”35″ height=”35″ class=”photo” alt=””> Tanya said… If I had a little girl, I’d take the can can skirt pattern for sure, but since I have boys, I’d choose the rolie polie. Great giveaway! <img src=”” width=”35″ height=”35″ class=”photo” alt=””> Kierstin […] Read more…

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Bookshelf Facelift

| For the home, Tutorial

One of the last projects I’m going to share with you for Far Far Away week is how to give a little facelift to an inexpensive bookshelf.  I took this…. and transformed it into this…. The bookshelf I’m starting with is a particleboard bookshelf.  Yup, really inexpensive.  It’s too dark for my daughter’s bedroom so […] Read more…

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